Misc Modules
[hide]Bpath Hypersubmit (SEO) Module
Enable the SEO module in the Module Setup page of the AWBS Configuration area.
Navigate to the Site Enhancements section and select the Active radial next to Bpath Hypersubmit.
Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the Module Setup page.
From the Configuration main page, click the System Options link.
Locate the Misc section and go to the SEO Setup section.
Either the Private Label SEO Reseller Program account or the SEO API Partner program account can be used with AWBS.
Select your account type. (only one can be configured).
If using the API Partner account, complete all information that shows (API Only) next to them.
Complete the SEO Reseller or API ORDER URL field for both types of accounts.
No further configuration is necessary if you are using an SEO Reseller Account.
Example menu link:
<a href="<?=$base?>/packages.php?spt=<?php echo $seo_config["config8"]; ?>" class="menu"><?=LMENU27?></a>
Set Live SEO Processing to False if you want new orders to wait for approval in the pending queue. Set it to True if you want them to process immediately (they will go to the open queue and run without approval).
SEO API Partner accounts require package setup in AWBS as follows:
From the AWBS Configuration main page, click the Other Package Types link found in the Other Package Setup section.
Use the Add Record link at the top to create a new package type for your SEO package sales.
From the AWBS Configuration main page, click the SEO Package Setup link found in the Other Package Setup section.
Use the Add New link at the top to create your SEO packages as per your desired offerings.
Be sure to select your new SEO package type as configured in the previous step on the Package Type field.
Select the SEO Order Activated email template (be sure to edit as desired before going live)
Select the correct Remote Product ID.
Click the Save Record button.
NOTE: Saving the record will populate the Signup Form with the default settings, edit as desired by clicking the Edit Form link.
Enter your retail price, other fee if you charge one, a name for the other fee if you charge one, and the description for display on the web page. HTML code can be entered in the description field, be sure to not use any quotes (can use single quotes)
Click the Save Record button.
Repeat as needed to add all packages offered.
Filling SEO API Partner orders
When a new order is placed on your site for one of your SEO packages, you will find a new job in the open queue if configured to process live, or in the pending queue if configured not to process live.
There will also be a pending other package. Do not alter the other package from the Other Package Manager, unless you need to alter/correct the URL to Submit (cannot be changed once the order is placed at Bpath).
Navigate to the Queue Manager in the AWBS Administration area.
Click the Run link to process the order.
Or if you want it to be processed automatically when the master_cron.php script runs click the approve link if it is in the pending queue, or do nothing if it is in the open queue.
The package will be set to a closed status in the other package manager and the customer will receive the email configured in the package when the queue job runs and is successful.
The customer will be able to manage their SEO package and edit settings at any time by going to their member home page and clicking on view/edit by 'SEO Packages in your account' link.
Administrators will see SEO packages in the Other Package Manager of the admin area.
Domain Tools
In the Module Setup page, set Domain Tools to Active in the Site Enhancements section.
Go to the System Options page, to the Misc section.
In the Domain Tools Setup section, complete all fields. All fields are required.
At domaintools.com
Click on Members Area. (You can sign up there if you don't have a domain tools account.)
Login to your domaintools.com account.
Click on XML API link on top menu.
Scroll down til you see D. How do I get started?
Click on the link that says Generate a Partner ID and API Key.
Once you have completed the Application Form, you will then get your Partner ID and API Key to use in the AWBS configuration area.
Dynamic Converter
At the Dynamic Converter Site
Add your AWBS site URL to the Domain list
Other settings as follows:
Same currency display = blank Before currency display = ( After currency display = ) Include Before & After with Same currency display = Off Commify amount = On Show decimals = On Don't link prices = On Print base amount = On Base currency symbol = blank Base thousand character = , Base decimal character = . Base currency display format = $100.00 Converted currency display format = $100.00 Before currency display in a dropdown menu = ( After currency display in a dropdown menu = ) Replace detected dropdown prices with selected format = On Currency selection title = Select Currency Currency selection help text = Select which currency to convert to Auto detect prices = On Do you use the tax rules? Yes Do you use the currency selection dropdown placeholder? Yes Do you convert prices in dropdown options? No Do you use any override account options? Yes Can your visitors change their currency by using the currency selection box? No
In the AWBS Configuration Area
Go to the Module Setup page, enable the Dynamic Converter module. Go to the System Options page, enter your DC Account ID into the Dynamic Converter Setup section and save.
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics Module integrates the Google Statistic tracking into your AWBS system without you having to add the code to your Templates.
First enable the Google Analytics Module in the Module Setup page of AWBS.
If you already have a Google Analytics account you can skip this step, if not goto http://www.google.com/analytics/ and sign up for an account. Make sure you fill out the relevant info required for Google to track your site. Upon completing your signup you will be provided a code like this by Google:
<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-1234567-1"; <- ** THIS IS THE LINE YOU NEED TO TAKE NOTE OF! urchinTracker(); </script>
In the above code your Google Analytics ID is the ID between the quotes after _uacct =
In your AWBS site, open Website/Company Information under the General heading. Scroll to the bottom once this page opens and you will see a Google Analytics Section.
Enter your Analytics ID from the code you received from Google. In our example this would be: UA-1234567-1
If you enabled the E-Commerce Tracking at Google, you can also put a checkmark for that option in your AWBS. The Tracking Code can be left at default, or you can customize it to your own liking according to Googles specifics.
Your site will start being tracked by Google Analytics within 5 - 45 Minutes (Depending on how loaded their system is)
Template Monster
The Template Monster module integrates your Template Monster affiliate account with your AWBS website.
Enable the Template Monster module from the module setup page of the AWBS configuration area.
You will find it in the 'Site Enhancements' section.
Click the Save Changes button.
Go to the System Options page of the AWBS Configuration area.
In the Misc section, set your Template Monster Preset, as found in your Template Monster account. Enter the preset code for the desired preset.
Click the Save Change button.
A new link in the 'Other Services' section of the default side menu will show once you have the Template Monster module enabled.
Enable the reCAPTCHA module from the Module Setup page of the AWBS Configuration. You will find it in the Site Enhancements section.
On the System Options page of the AWBS Configuration area, enter both your reCAPTCHA Public Key and reCAPTCHA Private key obtained from within your reCAPTCHA account at recaptcha.net.