Hostopia Specific Configuration
From AWBS Wiki
[hide]Setup Server Group(s)
See Hosting Configuration page
Setup the Hostopia Server(s)
Go to Server Setup and click Add New. Enter information asked for in the New Server Wizard. When you have completed adding all Hostopia servers, go back to the server groups page and assign the correct default server. (Save the groups even if they show the correct default server)
Below are some details for your assistance:
- Server Name: Enter a server name for your reference in AWBS. Do not use spaces.
- Server Group: Assign the server to the correct server group.
- Server Type: Hostopia
- Server IP: Enter the server's IP address
- Server URL: Enter the url to the server. Example:
- Server CP: Enter the url given to customers to login to their Hostopia account control panel. Example:
- Server Cost: Enter your cost for this server. Used for reports only.
- Default NS1: Enter your Hostopia nameserver 1 here
- Default NS2: Enter your Hostopia nameserver 2 here
- Server User: Enter the Hostopia username here.
- Server Password: Enter the Hostopia Password here.
- Control URL: Enter the Hostopia RRAD Control URL Here. This is the API url needed to interface with Hostopia
- Update hosting list IP(s): Check if you are changing an existing Hostopia server's IP address. This will update all existing hosting packages assigned to this server.
- Update hosting list Servers: Check if you are changing the server's servername. This will update all existing hosting packages assigned to this server.
- Delete Record: Only check this box if you are deleting this server. Caution: DO NOT delete a server that has plans and user packages assigned!
Be sure Hostopia has Whitelisted your AWBS Server's OUTGOING IP Address! If not the connection will fail!
Configure your Hosting Package Types
- Configure types for hosting packages. Each type will display a web page for ordering. Use additional types to create multiple hosting order pages. Most people use the types to group their various hosting plan types, i.e. linux hosting type 1, windows hosting type 2.
- User Group: Should be Default unless you want this page only viewable by a different user group. (not the public)
- Server Group: Select the correct server group.
- Description: Enter what you want displayed as the title on the web page with this type of hosting
- Details1 Name - Details6 Name: Enter display text for the various specs for the plan type. This set of specs willl be used for all hosting plans in this type.
Hint: Once you have added and saved a Hosting Package Type, you can click to view/edit it again and see the correct link to use on your menu for this web page.
Configure your Hosting Plans
- Visible: Check if you want this plan to display on the web page.
- Default Plan: Check if this is the default plan for the type. Each type needs to have one default plan.
- Default Term: Enter the default term you want to display when your customers order. If you have other terms, they will get a selection to change it. Make sure the default term is a configured and available term for the plan.
- Upgrade Group: Set the upgrade group. All plans in this group number will show up as selections when the customer chooses to upgrade their plan. All plans in the same group should be in the same server group for the auto upgrade/downgrade to function properly.
- Package Name: Name the plan as you desire. Do not use any spaces.
- Package Type: Select the correct package type for this plan.
- Server Package: Enter the package name as it appears in your Hostopia Control.
- Package Desc: Enter the plan description as you wish it to appear on the web page for ordering.
- Reset BW on all existing user hosting: Check if you want to reset all bandwidth stats stored in AWBS database for all existing active accounts on this plan.
- Reseller Plan: Check if this is a reseller plan.
- Pricing: Enter prices for all terms you want to offer. Leave the fields blank if you don't want to offer them. Enter 0.00 if you want to offer them for free.
- Check the Free Domain checkbox if you want to offer a free domain name with this plan/term. (Select available tlds for free domains in the system setup, TLD Setup/Pricing page by checking the Free Option checkbox beside the tld)
- Assign the correct Activation Email Template. Be sure to either add a new email template or edit the existing Hosting Activation email template as desired to give your customers all necessary information they need when their account is activated.
- Complete the Package Display Text section with the plan's specs.
Configure Package Specifics
There are no package specifics that need to be configured for Hostopia.