AWBS ChangeLog Pre-V2

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01/18/2005 v1.2.6 Build7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

  • (FIX) All known coupon system problems fixed
  • (FIX) Session cookie issue fixed when checking out from cart
  • (FIX) psecure.php error supressed (when nothing is blocked)
  • (FIX) Missing end form tag in forsale.php fixed
  • (FIX) Enom dnsmgmt.php slowness fixed
  • (FIX) Whois parsing errors fixed
  • (CHANGE) updateexp.php enhancements
  • (CHANGE) Renew queue jobs will now create a 'Get Renew Date' cron job when run successfully.

-Enom appears to be queuing renews now so it is not possible to pull the new renew date in real time. This should help keep renew dates in sync.

  • (CHANGE/FIX) Misc other fixes/tweaks

12/17/2004 v1.2.5 Build23

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

  • (CHANGE) COUPONS!! Implemented coupon system.

Turn on with $coupons=1; in dbconfig.php

  • (FIX) Deleting a user removes addons as well now
  • (FIX) cp2.php path issues have been fixed
  • (CHANGE) ServerStats has been rewritten to account for recent Cpanel changes
  • (CHANGE) ItemID is now a pulldown in other packages
  • (FIX) Support System link was displaying incorrectly on menu
  • (FIX) Editprofile logic issue fixed when using Alt Profile
  • (CHANGE) Update enom dns and email manage to conform to latest enom changes
  • (CHANGE) Visible checkbox added to Other packages
  • (FIX) Domain Auto-Renew issues fixed
  • (FIX) updtransfer.php fixes
  • (CHANGE) Cart will display domain discounts now
  • (CHANGE) Users can have the system remail their hosting activation mail
  • (CHANGE) If auto-close tickets is on, system will send warning email to user

- 24hours before auto-close, the user will be notified of pending auto-close. Edit the email template in the usual place.

  • (FIX) Helpdesk wasnt always sending mail from $supportmail
  • (FIX) Editing meta tags would drop some information (Enom module)
  • (FIX) Editprofile respects the NOTREQUIRED flags now
  • (CHANGE) Added a Quick Search to the admin area header
  • (CHANGE) Added tracking and limiting for enom reseller accounts
  • (CHANGE) Better error snatching in enom registration module
  • (CHANGE) Updateexp cron will email generic domains expire notices
  • (CHANGE) CCS charge failures will log information to the invoice history
  • (CHANGE) You can run Generic hosting queue jobs now.

- This will blindly do the same routines that live modules do

  • (CHANGE) Color coded Charge CC link based on whether cc is on file
  • (CHANGE) Show/don't show 'use card on file' based on whether cc is on file in vterm
  • (CHANGE) Added 'Hide Nominet whois info' to UK preconfig

Due to a bug in the enom API, this is disabled by default. If your reseller profile at enom contains a valid UK address and zip, you may be able to use this function according to enom. To try it, set this line in dbconfig: $ukwhoisopt=1; Enom states that this bug will be fixed by January 2 at latest.

  • (FIX) .uk renew price fixed in cart (respects 2 year rule)
  • (FIX) Helpdesk paging bug fixed
  • (CHANGE) REPORTS!! Admin Reports engine added with new sample reports (COMPILED GD REQUIRED)

Thanks go to Kevin Fairbanks for this!

  • (CHANGE) Added 'trusted user' to user manager

If the system is set to queue all domain registrations, any trusted user will bypass this and the domains will register real time (not queued for approval)

  • (CHANGE/FIX) Misc other fixes/tweaks
      • If you are running the techy theme, unzip the techy-patch that you will find in your root

directory after unzipping the main patch

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

11/3/2004 v1.2.4 Build34

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

  • (FIX) List bug in user hosting manager fixed
  • (CHANGE) Upgrade shows for reseller accounts in user hosting manager now
  • (FIX) Fixups to sessions
  • (CHANGE) Menu can be external file OR stored in DB now

If you create group menu files in your template directory, this menu file will be called instead of the menu stored in the DB. File should be named groupXmenu.php, where X is the group # that will see this menu.

  • (FIX) viewitem.php and editprofile.php fix to not display error lines on some systems
  • (CHANGE) Change the way min/max years work for generic domains in cart
  • (FIX) Tweaks on the transfer update cron
  • (FIX) Tweaks to enom renew engine (Expire date etc.)
  • (CHANGE) Force split postcode on .uk registrations
  • (CHANGE) Added 'visible' checkbox in hosting and server setup
  • (FIX) Fixed visible flag for addons
  • (CHANGE) Pay Invoice form uses country pulldown now (onsite cc only)
  • (FIX) Helpdesk link corrected to support external link correctly
  • (FIX) Domain discount is not overwritten now
  • (CHANGE) Tweaks to whois lookup form (strips www correctly etc)
  • (FIX) Fixed checkout to discount all years on domains, not just the first year
  • (CHANGE) Fraudgrabber wont fail transaction on CITY_NOT_FOUND error now
  • (CHANGE) Added flag to dbconfig to supress domains from adult 4sale category from featured list
  • (CHANGE) Custom1, 2 and 3 are available in viewitem $userstats[] now
  • (FIX) Fixed hard-coded mail link in 'file not found' error in download area
  • (FIX) When adding a domain manually, expire date saves correctly now
  • (FIX) Tax issue fixed (invoice_cron)
  • (CHANGE) Required fields in forms can be optional
  • (EXPERIMENTAL) Added Virtual Terminal to admin invoice manager (only for onsite processors)

You can pay open invoices either typing in cc info, or using card on file

  • (CHANGE) 60, 30, 7 and 0 day domain expire email subjects moved into the email template files (/emails)


  • (CHANGE) New settings added to dbconfig.php for various tweaking (see dbconfig-new.php)
  • (CHANGE/FIX) Misc other fixes/tweaks
      • If you are running the techy theme, unzip the techy-patch that you will find in your root

directory after unzipping the main patch

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

10/01/2004 v1.2.3 Build17

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Added support for InterWorx CP (version 1.8.1+ of IW required) - Invision Board added to forum create module - Fixed namecheck.php issue when it is first TLD in db - Tax exempt field added to user records (edit user options) - More tweaks to .ca and .uk Enom registrations - Added SPF record ability to Enom domain management (set $spfoff=1; in dbconfig.php to turn this off) - Whois strips off www. if present - Tweaks to secondary profile editing/saving - Fixed hupgrade 0 dollar upgrade issue - Numerous admin area fixes - Other cart preconfig fixed to not re-ask - Fixed required field java in cart preconfig - Separated transfer updating to its own cron php -q -f /home/yourdirectory/public_html/tools/updtransfers.php /home/yourdirectory/public_html

- DRAMS v4.x importer imports expire dates correctly now - Misc other fixes/tweaks

      • If you are running the techy theme, unzip the techy-patch that you will find in your root

directory after unzipping the main patch

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

08/31/2004 v1.2.2 Build14

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Admins can see all spt ordertypes now - Downloads are hidden if user has expired support - More options added to system mailer - Admin helpdesk will alert to client having expired support - Client package viewer alerts if client has expired support - Updated .htaccess to disable surfing to license.dat - Tweaks to cpanel reseller setup to include some cpanel changes - Fixed forum creator to fix VB3 user group assignment - Enom added as a whois server In TLD Config, if you set the whois server to 'enom' (no quotes), when a client does domain search DRAMS will use Enom (via API) for the whois lookup. *Note: This lookup, while being accurate sooner, is slower than normal whois lookups. - Tweaks to enom Domain Contact edit page - Added LinkPoint as a cc processor (Experimental initially) - Fix invoice_cron to correct hosting suspend issue - Misc other fixes/tweaks

08/22/2004 v1.2.1 Build7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Inactive testimonials dont display now - Numerous fixes to try and sort .ca and .us registrations w/Enom - Alt Profile will be created now if it doesnt exist - Link in user editor to Other Packages works now - User search in user package viewer works now - Fixups to licensing system (docs coming soon on this system) - Group Editor works for STD users now - Misc other fixes/tweaks

08/20/2004 v1.2.0 Build79


IMPORTANT!! Before uploading files or running the update script, read this!!!

1. Make a full backup of your files and database. 2. Make a copy of your templates/[theme]/menu.php file and includes/dbconfig.php file in a safe place that you can quickly get to. 3. Put site in maintenance mode. 4. Upload files from the update zip in binary mode with paths. Do not overwrite your language files, custom templates(if applicable),cp3.php file (if custom) or dbconfig.php file!! 5. Copy/merge new changes from language files, templates and dbconfig.php file to your existing files. 6. Surf to http://[your_drams_url]/tools/update.php and run through the db updates. 7. Setup your hosting plans with upgrade/downgrade group(s) as desired. This is done in the system setup, hosting plan setup, edit each plan and set all plans into the same upgrade group number that you want your customers to be able to upgrade/downgrade to automatically. 8. If you have any 'other' packages that utilize a form, go to 'other package setup' from the system setup area. Edit each package that utilizes a form and recreate the form by clicking on the 'edit form' link. 9. If you are not using $ (USD) as your currency, go to system setup, payment setup and edit the currency symbol. 10. Edit your saved original menu.php file, copy and paste the code in at system setup, user group setup, click the edit icon and select to edit the menu. This will be your default menu, if you add new user groups, you can add custom menus for each user group. Refer to the manual for details regarding user groups.


11. Take it out of maintenance mode. 12. Login using your test user. Verify your menu, your other package forms, and upgrade downgrade groups. You can cancel the orders in the queue to clean out testing data OR delete the test user account. 13. Delete the tools/update.php script.

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Lost domains removed from For Sale system - Added clone ability to addons, others, hosting etc. - Signup, Login and CC Fraud Detection routines added (requires external account - See fraud setup area in Admin) - Fraud admin panel and fraud return viewer added - Multi-year Enom renews fixed - Hosting Upgrade grouping added (for user upgrade pulldown) - Updateexp cron overhauled - CC expire popup fixed in user area - KB paging fixed - Added Transfer Status link in domain manager listing - Tech Contact override (edit /includes/techcontact.php) - Other Package manager rework (admin area) - Downloads added to other packages - Firepay cc processor support added (supports recurring) - Customer can now order addons for hosting/server packages - Admin side addon fixes - Pending user quick alert added - Other package forms moved into DB, and added editor for the form (found in the other package manager) - Contact email sent to cpanel on createacct - Admin/User help separated (easier for us to update your admin help) - Cart contents assessible from anywhere: View: $curcart[view] (EX: <a href=$curcart[view]>View Cart</a>) Checkout: $curcart[checkout] (EX: <a href=$curcart[checkout]>Checkout</a>) Item Count: $curcart[items] (EX: You have $curcart[items] item(s) in your cart) - Added HOLD option to package queue - Tweaks to curl calls when using PHP (compiled curl) - Offsite processors no longer set CCS - Server usage stats added (remote script for realtime stats) Script is in the /rss directory in the zip. See ReadMe in same directory - Zero dollar checkout override added (look for new line in the dbconfig-new.php file and add to your existing dbconfig.php file) - More hosting types added - Removed reseller type 10 restriction New types can be reseller type, but all reseller packages need the reseller checkbox checked - New System Options added - Grouped screen for easier reading - New email types and templates - Currency symbol moved to Payment Setup - EDIT IT!! - Download backup dump of DB added to admin area - Download backup quick alert added (Flashes 1 week after last download) - Ability to auto-add reactivation fee to recurring invoices This is for suspended 'hosting' and 'other' packages - Managing a lost domain sets it to lost....Really - Added 2nd user profile to use on domain reg's Also includes custom nameservers to use for all user domain reg's - Mailer allows for admin to force type (html, text or user preference) - Link to users records in admin Push Manager - Added a Personal Download Manager Add user specific files here for user download - Added ability to create forum accounts. Currently, phpBB and Vbulletin supported - Checkbox in System Option to auto-create forum account on account creation - Fixups to 'DNS Hosting Only' ordering - ARIN lookup popup added to login viewer to help identify fraudsters - Renaming a package (addon, server, hosting) will correctly reassign all user packages using it - Ability to send mail to users secondary email address from admin user editor - When switching a user hosting package from pending to active, adding to queue will now add it as Create Hosting job - Paying a recurring invoice with cc will store the cc and set CCS if there is none stored - Groups added. This enables special menus/packages for users depending on group membership - Users can upgrade/downgrade to/from reseller <-> standard (the user will have to manually be upgraded on your server. A queue job will be created, but when run, will only update the billing info in DRAMS. Upgrade them on the server, then run the queue) - Left menu moved to database (needed for groups) Menu editor added in Group Manager - Maintenace mode text moved to DB for easy editing - Added ability to schedule maintenace mode. Will automatically turn on/off maintenace mode. - Tweaks to cut down on Domain Hi-Jacking notifications - All 'hosting' and 'other' types can have their own language on order page based on the spt passed - Added search box to queue manager - Updated documentation on web site - Domain reseller signup send mail for non-logged in users now - Added CDGCommerce as a supported processor (Using their Authnet emulator) - Fix GetPush so it will update tech contact correctly - Added testimonials - Manage and display customer testimonials To display: Quote: $quotes[x][testimonial] Sig1: $quotes[x][sig1] Sig2: $quotes[x][sig2] [x] can be any number from 0 to whatever you set in dbconfig.php ($number_of_quotes=) These vars will be populated by a random quote from the DB - Fix .ca registrations to get new nexus requirements and send them on registrations - Misc other fixes/tweaks

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

06/08/2004 v1.1.9 Build7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Initial release of Zend encoded version - A dash (-) in cpanel nameservers is parsed correctly now - Revert to fixed date format in admin area only - Expire date can be edited in domain records - Remove quick-pick list from transadmin (redundant) - Whois can require Auth Code to be entered (cool!) - Updateexp cron bug fixes - Populate imports expire date correctly now - Cancel Order added to queue administrator - Credit card expire notice tweaks - Transfer Re-Submit bug fixed - Tweaks to user side domain manager - Fixed hosting signup routine - Would send user to pre-config even on NS-Only orders - Experimental 2CO recurring code added (admin must manually post payments tho) - Populate sets feature flags (1-4) on by default now - Misc other fixes/tweaks

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

05/13/2004 v1.1.8 Build16

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Affiliate sales logging issue fixed - Multi-transfer restart bug fixed - Addons are now tied to types, not individual packages *** EDIT YOUR ADDONS AFTER APPLYING THIS PATCH *** - Added free email blocking in System Options - Credit Card expiring/expired notices sent to user - Expire date sorting in user area works correctly now - Configurable date format (set in language - global.php) - Contact form respects ISO type set in dbconfig.php - Barebone theme added - Initial test release - Fixes for intermittant corrupt email error - Added option to auto-close stale helpdesk tickets after X days - Cron fixups Authnet recurring only tries failures twice now (a fail is a transaction!) (re-encrypting users CC record clears this counter) Invoice cron tweaks Master cron tweaks Updateexp fixups Generics set to pending - VAT tax_locales now in external file (/includes/tax_locales.php) - Misc tweaks to enom code to allow for enom api changes - New IDP w/domain orders will reg at enom with same years as domain - Ticket HOLD working in helpdesk now - Generics should toggle to pending in queue - More settings added to System Options - Misc other fixes/tweaks

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

04/02/2004 v1.1.7 Build2

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Recurring 'other' package support New orders now come in to the other package manager as 'pending' instead of 'open'. There is now 'Filled/Active' for filled recurring orders, 'Filled/Closed' for non-recurring orders, and Pending for new orders not yet filled. - .ca domain reg tweaks If user selected 'citizen' instead of corporation, etc. there was a problem with the organization field sent to enom. This has been fixed. - Repairs to recurring invoices paid by authorizenet and account credits Check hosting plans paid with these methods in the past and verify the next renew date did not skip a billing cycle. - Character set can be set for emails (in dbconfig.php) - Display bug in hosting manager fixed (Has Hosting shown when shouldnt) - IDProtect flag not set in domain record fixed - Extend session timeout longer when using sql sessions - Upgrade/Downgrade hosting fix to recognise cpanel changes - Ban User added to login viewer All ips added to ban list and user account suspended - Misc other fixes/tweaks - 'Lock Domain' not sent on new registrations now Enom changed code, and .info and other blow up if its sent

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

03/25/2004 v1.1.6 Build4

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

v1.1.6 features added - Ability to add/subtract charges on invoices - Updated the admin/forms directory files

  • We have included the 1.1.5 files due to 1.1.4/1.1.5 issues (features listed below)*
  • No templates are included so you should apply this even if you applied 1.1.5*

- **Support for DirectAdmin** Create/Kill/Suspend/Unsuspend/Upgrade/Downgrade User and reseller - Change sql paging throughout - More session tweaks - Offsite pay processor tweaks. - Helpdesk and Contact Admin Only security levels added - Session issue when returning from 2co fixed - Recompile all engine files - Resolves 1.1.4 corrupt files issues - Paypal IPN notify will not change status on closed domains now

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

03/24/2004 v1.1.5 Build1

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- **Support for DirectAdmin** Create/Kill/Suspend/Unsuspend/Upgrade/Downgrade User and reseller - Change sql paging throughout - More session tweaks - Offsite pay processor tweaks. - Helpdesk and Contact Admin Only security levels added - Session issue when returning from 2co fixed - Recompiled all engine files - Resolves 1.1.4 issues - Paypal IPN notify will not change status on closed domains now

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

03/12/2004 v1.1.3RC7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Emails sent correctly from manual hosting and user adds - Session tweaks - Disappearing first phone and fax digit fixed - Added recurring affil commissions - 'Check servers' function added in admin area - I like this :) Check the status of all your cpanel servers with one click. Will return good or bad, and allow you to view details. You will find it in the quick alerts menu - Tweaks to try and cut down on the 'domain hi-jacking' emails (generated by users using browser nav buttons instead of DRAMS links) - Fix for DNS Only registrations (Error from enom in queue) - Cron tweaks - New 'merge user' function for combining user accounts - E-mail 'from' names sample lines in dbconfig fixed - PayPal echeck payments add a note to invoice - 'Email users' should support very large number of recipients now - Many more minor bugs squashed

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

03/03/2004 v1.1.2RC7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Date calc fix for invoice generation for end of month - Speed increases in various areas of admin - Can't save cc info without key in admin area now - Fixed some links on admin user editor to go directly to user data - Hosting upgrade date issue fixed - Domain reseller accts can be created without being logged in - Session tweaks - Add record fixed in admin server manager - User activate/deactivate mail fixed - E-mail 'from' names can be defined in dbconfig.php now - PayPal subscription link fixed - Customer is allowed to clear CC info now

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

02/26/2004 v1.1.1RC7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- No PAY NOW fixed if only using PayPal - Fixed table display issue in kb - Fixed quote issue on admin kb display - Language issue fixed in hosting.php - Strip - from hosting usernames (cpanel doesnt support them) - Stop the master_cron from running if there are too many jobs Excessive jobs indicates a problem. Stops and notifies admin now. - More tweaking on the cpanel mod to fix compiled PHP issues - Fixed email popup in admin area which shows home page - More tweaks on voids/refunds amount display in admin area - Added Secret Question/Answer to user profile User can add at creation or edit it later. Useful for the admin to validate the user when they dont know login. - Change Back link on spincheck to history.back. Back to where they came from.

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

02/23/2004 v1.1.0RC7

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Support for DE Legal Type - invoice_cron, domain_cron and hosting_cron fixups - Initial release of addons - Stricter checking for duplicate email addresses - Hosting upgrade math issues fixed - Enom webhosting supports suspend/unsuspend and cancel now - 2Checkout callback issues resolved - Move to sql based sessions for security and stability - Hosting and packages tables moved to /includes so they can be edited - mb importer tweaks - Lost domain issue fixed in updateexp - Numerous admin area fixes/tweaks - Numerous language fixes/additions - POP3 manage function fixed - Added Enom POP3 activation email template option - mbinterface.php now functional with Plus and Std - Balance bug in user area fixed (voided invoice) - Taxable checkbox on admin create invoice - Over 10 forwarders saves and reads correctly now - Pay by check shows correctly on pay invoice screen (when only accepting checks) - Fixed error on some admin menus when in maint mode - Admin add domain saves creation date correctly now - Misc other fixes/tweaks

  • >>* If upgrading, SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

02/08/2004 v1.0.15RC6

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- UK Legal Type error when editing domain contacts fixed - next_invoice is set on package creation now (when queue runs) - Missing reseller fields show on reseller packages now Add a new package, checkbox for reseller, save it. When next editing the package, there will be 2 reseller fields for reseller space and b/w - Display cleanups for packages.php - Legal types for cart domains moved to external included file - Open Contact Forms added to Quick Alerts

02/05/2004 v1.0.14RC6

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Queue supports IDProtect now (enom provided api commands) - Queue supports DNS Hosting renew now (enom provided api commands) - Minor display bug fixed in viewitem - Fixed cpanel reseller defaults save bug - Enhanced debugging for updateexp (for Lost issues) - Fixed 1 penny off rounding for useing credits - Declined credit cards now tell customer why (Also keeps them on cc entry page) - Added a login/create account notifier Rename logx.class.php to log.class.php (includes) - You will recieve an email with users ip/proxy ip/username at every login/create account event at your $adminmail

02/03/2004 v1.0.13RC6

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Couple of critical invoice_cron fixes. Upgrade ASAP! - Minor fixups in admin area - Fixed PayPal return response when using PHP for curl path - Fixed recurring invoices to generate security hash correctly (Noticible when paying recurring invoices with PayPal) - 0 dollar invoices should auto close now Should renew package and all other normal functions just as if it was paid - Fixed error when paying invoice with Discover card - Changes to display from hosting.php (requires included style sheet changes)

01/31/2004 v1.0.12RC6 *Security Update*

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Fixed a nasty code dump problem in one area. This patch is labled a security patch for this reason - Admin hosting manager creates next_invoice date now - Fixed next_invoice to not double days_ahead on invoice generation - New! Contact form manager in admin area Logs to database for tracking Added ability to reply from admin area - Cleaned up admin area helpdesk Close tickets while editing Change status More info on ticket list Close from ticket list does so quietly (no mail) Change status does not send mail if no response entered - Language changes in hosting.php to make it more flexible for different types

  • >>* SURF TO AND RUN /tools/update.php DELETE THIS FILE AFTER RUNNING IT. *<<*

01/29/2004 v1.0.11RC6

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features:

- Numerous issues in transaction admin fixed - 0 option for dollar rounder - Added refund select option in admin invoice manager - New void/refund options in admin invoice manager This should aid in more accurate accounting - User invoice manager doesnt show voids now - Admin user editor doesnt count voids in billing stats now - Fixed updateexp cron to ignore generic types - Added 'Default Term' to hosting packages This will set the default when added to cart *You should update this in all your hosting packages* - Minor session fixups for cross-domain secure sites - Language additions/fixes in various areas - Made admin Help Topic Manager accessible to normal admin - Helpdesk should redirect correctly now when logging in from link in email - Changed numerous jpg icons to gif (transparancy issues) *We have switched out all small circular icons!! *If you have custom icons, do not unzip the templates/images! *If you see missing icons in your user areas after updating, those images have been converted to gif's

NOTE: You must run the /tools/update.php to update your database. Delete it after running.

01/25/2004 v1.0.10RC6

Addresses the following issues and add the following features:

- More code optimizations in various areas - Cron fixups related to invoicing

   Will now catch missed invoices on cron run

- Added 'Agree to Terms' checkbox on payment page - Missing ccver.php file supplied - 'Next Invoice' date field added (used and set by cron) - 1969 date fixes - OrderID passed to onsite processors in description - %%HDCATEGORY%% is now available for use in the helpdesk email template

NOTE: You must run the /tools/update.php to update your database. Delete it after running.

01/22/2004 v1.0.9RC5

Addresses the following issues and add the following features:

- More code optimizations in various areas - Cron fixups related to Authnet recurring billing - More session fixups to support cross-domain secure sites - Added user credit card editor (Shows if billing type = CCS) - PSIGate send email now - Fixed add record in credit manager - Misc language fixups/additions - Invoice details enhancements at order time - OrderID passed to onsite processors in description - %%CUSTOM1%% 2 and 3 are available for use in the new account email template - <?=$display_arr[SubTotal]?> is availabe in vinvoice and payitem templates

   (This is Total - Tax = Subtotal)

- <?=$display_arr[Custom1]?><?=$display_arr[Custom2]?><?=$display_arr[Custom3]?>

   available on vinvoice and payitem templates
   NOTE: Just a reminder, always password protect your tools, includes and admin
  enom pop3 pricing reading wrong variable for display

- Fixed enom hosting to wait until domain is registered, then set dns - Removed 'ns only' choice from hosting order form if enom web package selected

   (as this is not supported by enom)

- Added 'User Add' and 'User Delete' options in admin area

   (delete used for clearing out test data)

NOTE: You must run the /tools/update.php to update your database. Delete it after running.

01/08/2004 v1.0.5RC3

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features to DRAMS.

- Helpdesk cleanups in user area - Revised enom domain reseller signup to allow pricing (set in system setup) - Packages can now have activation email templates assigned to them during package creation - Misc user template cleanups/fixes - Improvements to Modernbill importer

NOTE: You must run the /tools/update.php to update your database. Delete it after running.

01/06/2004 v1.0.4RC3

Addresses the following issues with and adds the following features to DRAMS.

- Fixed 'Domains4sale' still on menu even when toggled off - Fixed search in KB and News - Fixed enom POP3 order issues (user has no domains) - Enhanced Modernbill importer to gather servername, ip, username, password correctly - Added support for PayPal Subscriptions (customer can start subscription when paying an Fixed hosting, server and other order screens to display package description - Fixed disappearing check option in admin apply payment screen - New feature: Pass theme to use on url

   You can pass as
   Change 'business' to call any theme. If not a legit theme, business is called.
   Theme will stick until either another td= is passed, or users theme expires.
   User can login/logout and theme will stick.

- New feature: Email logins

   Users can now login with either their username or their email address			

01/10/2004 v1.0.6RC4

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features

- PayPal subscription tweaks - Major code optimizations in various areas - Fixed bug with adding new hosting plans in admin area - Fixed quotes bug in KB and News - Fixed 'bypass invoice check' when running queue - Fixed enom registration bug if custom nameservers are set - Fixed enom pop3 pricing reading wrong variable for display - Fixed enom hosting to wait until domain is registered, then set dns - Removed 'ns only' choice from hosting order form if enom web package selected

   (as this is not supported by enom)

- Added 'User Add' and 'User Delete' options in admin area

   (delete used for clearing out test data)

NOTE: You must run the /tools/update.php to update your database. Delete it after running.

01/08/2004 v1.0.5RC3

Addresses the following issues and adds the following features to DRAMS.

- Helpdesk cleanups in user area - Revised enom domain reseller signup to allow pricing (set in system setup) - Packages can now have activation email templates assigned to them during package creation - Misc user template cleanups/fixes - Improvements to Modernbill importer

NOTE: You must run the /tools/update.php to update your database. Delete it after running.

01/06/2004 v1.0.4RC3

Addresses the following issues with and adds the following features to DRAMS.

- Fixed 'Domains4sale' still on menu even when toggled off - Fixed search in KB and News - Fixed enom POP3 order issues (user has no domains) - Enhanced Modernbill importer to gather servername, ip, username, password correctly - Added support for PayPal Subscriptions (customer can start subscription when paying any recurring hosting invoice) - Cleaned up user area helpdesk, much more pleasing to the eye (admin helpdesk next) - Cleaned up admin login viewer - Admin user lister no longer shows canceled accounts by default - Admin invoice lister no longer shows voided invoices by default - Misc admin area cleanups/fixes - Misc user template cleanups/fixes