AWBS Configuration Guide
- Install - Refer to the AWBS Installation Guide
- Configure - Use this Configuration Guide
- Customize - Refer to the Customization Section
- Test
Many tend to customize before configuring. This can make things difficult. If you configure and then customize, you will eliminate anything that can be setup as desired in the configuration area during your customization process.
You may be testing throughout the process, but final testing should be done when all customization is complete to make sure your site/system is ready for the public.
Recommended: Test using a test user account. This makes cleaning out test data much easier than if you use the admin account.
[hide]- 1 Getting Started
- 2 Domain Registrars
- 3 Hosting Modules
- 4 Payment Processing Modules
- 5 Addons
- 6 Affiliate Program Configuration
- 7 Bpath Hypersubmit (SEO) Module
- 8 Domain Tools
- 9 Dynamic Converter
- 10 Google Analytics
- 11 Template Monster
- 12 reCAPTCHA
- 13 Helpdesk Modules
- 14 SSL
- 15 News
- 16 Multiple sites using one database
- 17 User Account Sub Accounts
- 18 PDF Invoices
- 19 AWBS Licensing Module
- 20 Multiple AWBS Sites - One Database
- 21 FraudGrabber
- 22 Coupons
- 23 Setting the Date Format
- 24 User Groups Setup
- 25 Other Package Setup
Getting Started
Installation is complete, now what?
Surf to your AWBS site and login using the super admin account you created during the installation process. You will be redirected to the administration area of AWBS and prompted for the admin directory secuirty login (if directory security was setup correctly).
You should see our 'getting started' page. Use that as a guide to get the basics configured. Then click the link at the top 'do not show this page again' to use the normal admin home page.
- Module Setup. First, go to the configuration area and click the Module Setup link. Enable all modules you will be using and disable any you won't be using. Save.
- Website/Company Info. Click the Website/Company Info link and enter all information as per your preferences. Most information on this page will be used in invoices to your customers, etc. The fields with a * are required, do not leave those empty. Save.
- System Options. Click the System Options link. Read through all system options setting your company preferences. If you are not sure about some things you can come back later and set them up as desired, but you should go through it all to see what settings are available and to get the basics setup as per your preferences.
- Configure Modules. Now configure all modules you enabled above.
Domain Registrars
Refer to the Domain Registration section for details
Hosting Modules
Refer to the Hosting Modules section for details.
Payment Processing Modules
Refer to the Payment Processors section for details.
Refer to the Addons section for details.
Affiliate Program Configuration
Refer to the Affiliate Program Configuration section for details.
Bpath Hypersubmit (SEO) Module
Enable the SEO module in the Module Setup page of the AWBS Configuration area.
Navigate to the Site Enhancements section and select the Active radial next to Bpath Hypersubmit.
Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the Module Setup page.
From the Configuration main page, click the System Options link.
Locate the Misc section and go to the SEO Setup section.
Either the Private Label SEO Reseller Program account or the SEO API Partner program account can be used with AWBS.
Select your account type. (only one can be configured).
If using the API Partner account, complete all information that shows (API Only) next to them.
Complete the SEO Reseller or API ORDER URL field for both types of accounts.
No further configuration is necessary if you are using an SEO Reseller Account.
Example menu link:
<a href="<?=$base?>/packages.php?spt=<?php echo $seo_config["config8"]; ?>" class="menu"><?=LMENU27?></a>
Set Live SEO Processing to False if you want new orders to wait for approval in the pending queue. Set it to True if you want them to process immediately (they will go to the open queue and run without approval).
SEO API Partner accounts require package setup in AWBS as follows:
From the AWBS Configuration main page, click the Other Package Types link found in the Other Package Setup section.
Use the Add Record link at the top to create a new package type for your SEO package sales.
From the AWBS Configuration main page, click the SEO Package Setup link found in the Other Package Setup section.
Use the Add New link at the top to create your SEO packages as per your desired offerings.
Be sure to select your new SEO package type as configured in the previous step on the Package Type field.
Select the SEO Order Activated email template (be sure to edit as desired before going live)
Select the correct Remote Product ID.
Click the Save Record button.
NOTE: Saving the record will populate the Signup Form with the default settings, edit as desired by clicking the Edit Form link.
Enter your retail price, other fee if you charge one, a name for the other fee if you charge one, and the description for display on the web page. HTML code can be entered in the description field, be sure to not use any quotes (can use single quotes)
Click the Save Record button.
Repeat as needed to add all packages offered.
Filling SEO API Partner orders
When a new order is placed on your site for one of your SEO packages, you will find a new job in the open queue if configured to process live, or in the pending queue if configured not to process live.
There will also be a pending other package. Do not alter the other package from the Other Package Manager, unless you need to alter/correct the URL to Submit (cannot be changed once the order is placed at Bpath).
Navigate to the Queue Manager in the AWBS Administration area.
Click the Run link to process the order.
Or if you want it to be processed automatically when the master_cron.php script runs click the approve link if it is in the pending queue, or do nothing if it is in the open queue.
The package will be set to a closed status in the other package manager and the customer will receive the email configured in the package when the queue job runs and is successful.
The customer will be able to manage their SEO package and edit settings at any time by going to their member home page and clicking on view/edit by 'SEO Packages in your account' link.
Administrators will see SEO packages in the Other Package Manager of the admin area.
Domain Tools
In the Module Setup page, set Domain Tools to Active in the Site Enhancements section.
Go to the System Options page, to the Misc section.
In the Domain Tools Setup section, complete all fields. All fields are required.
Click on Members Area. (You can sign up there if you don't have a domain tools account.)
Login to your account.
Click on XML API link on top menu.
Scroll down til you see D. How do I get started?
Click on the link that says Generate a Partner ID and API Key.
Once you have completed the Application Form, you will then get your Partner ID and API Key to use in the AWBS configuration area.
Dynamic Converter
At the Dynamic Converter Site
Add your AWBS site URL to the Domain list
Other settings as follows:
Same currency display = blank Before currency display = ( After currency display = ) Include Before & After with Same currency display = Off Commify amount = On Show decimals = On Don't link prices = On Print base amount = On Base currency symbol = blank Base thousand character = , Base decimal character = . Base currency display format = $100.00 Converted currency display format = $100.00 Before currency display in a dropdown menu = ( After currency display in a dropdown menu = ) Replace detected dropdown prices with selected format = On Currency selection title = Select Currency Currency selection help text = Select which currency to convert to Auto detect prices = On Do you use the tax rules? Yes Do you use the currency selection dropdown placeholder? Yes Do you convert prices in dropdown options? No Do you use any override account options? Yes Can your visitors change their currency by using the currency selection box? No
In the AWBS Configuration Area
Go to the Module Setup page, enable the Dynamic Converter module.
Go to the System Options page, enter your DC Account ID into the Dynamic Converter Setup section and save.
If you wish to change the default Dynamic Converter logo (shown if you have a free account) to a text link, you can do this.
Edit the bottom.php template file (usually located in /templates/common_files if you do not have a custom one in your theme folder). Then find the <?=$dynamicconverterlink?> statement and add this line on the line before it:
<div style="text-align:center;"><span id="dc_box" class="dcboxlink"></span></div>
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics Module integrates the Google Statistic tracking into your AWBS system without you having to add the code to your Templates.
First enable the Google Analytics Module in the Module Setup page of AWBS.
If you already have a Google Analytics account you can skip this step, if not goto and sign up for an account. Make sure you fill out the relevant info required for Google to track your site. Upon completing your signup you will be provided a code like this by Google:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-1234567-1"; <- ** THIS IS THE LINE YOU NEED TO TAKE NOTE OF! urchinTracker(); </script>
In the above code your Google Analytics ID is the ID between the quotes after _uacct =
In your AWBS site, open Website/Company Information under the General heading. Scroll to the bottom once this page opens and you will see a Google Analytics Section.
Enter your Analytics ID from the code you received from Google. In our example this would be: UA-1234567-1
If you enabled the E-Commerce Tracking at Google, you can also put a checkmark for that option in your AWBS. The Tracking Code can be left at default, or you can customize it to your own liking according to Googles specifics.
Your site will start being tracked by Google Analytics within 5 - 45 Minutes (Depending on how loaded their system is)
Template Monster
The Template Monster module integrates your Template Monster affiliate account with your AWBS website.
Enable the Template Monster module from the module setup page of the AWBS configuration area.
You will find it in the 'Site Enhancements' section.
Click the Save Changes button.
Go to the System Options page of the AWBS Configuration area.
In the Misc section, set your Template Monster Preset, as found in your Template Monster account. Enter the preset code for the desired preset.
Click the Save Change button.
A new link in the 'Other Services' section of the default side menu will show once you have the Template Monster module enabled.
Enable the reCAPTCHA module from the Module Setup page of the AWBS Configuration. You will find it in the Site Enhancements section.
On the System Options page of the AWBS Configuration area, enter both your reCAPTCHA Public Key and reCAPTCHA Private key obtained from within your reCAPTCHA account at
Helpdesk Modules
Refer to the Helpdesk Modules section for details.
Enom SSL
Configure and ensure you have a good connection to eNom as per the eNom configuration instructions.
(Registrar Setup, eNom page in the AWBS Configuration area.)
In the AWBS Configuration area, go to the Module Setup page, in the SSL Sales section, set Enom SSL Reselling to Active.
In the AWBS Configuration area, go to the System Options page, in the Misc, SSL Setup section, select your desired setting for 'Live SSL Processing' field. Setting this to True will process orders without your approval. If you set it to False, orders will be held in the pending queue until you approve them.
In the AWBS Configuration area, Other Package Types page, use the Add Record link to add a new package type to use for your SSL sales.
In the AWBS Configuration area, SSL Package Setup page, use the Add New link to add your SSL packages you want to offer.
Click Add New.
Check the Visible checkbox.
Enter your desired package name. No spaces are allowed in this field.
Select Enom SSL for the package registrar.
Select the package type you created above.
Enter a package description. This should be a brief description that will be used in the email correspondence.
Select the 'Enom SSL Order Activated' email template for both HTML and TEXT fields.
(be sure to view/edit that template to customize as desired before going live).
At this point, click the Save Record button to populate correctly the rest of the form.
Select the correct eNom SSL package in the Remote Product ID field.
Check the Has Signup Form checkbox.
Set the number of years for this package.
Set the retail price, Other fee, other fee name if applicable and a description for display on the order page of your website. The description can contain html code, be sure to use only single quotes instead of any double quotes that are in your code.
Click the Save Record button at the bottom of the page.
Click the Edit Form link. Add a text field for the customers to enter their ssl host. This is mostly for your reference and for the customer's reference when they are viewing their packages in their account. We recommend making this field required, as it is very helpful when trying to track down an order in the future.
Click the Save Record button.
Use the URL shown at the top of the Edit screen of the Other Package Type you configured for the SSL sales to place a link on your menu.
Or if you desire a direct link to order each package, use the link shown at the top of the edit screen of the SSL Package Setup page for each package.
Filling eNom SSL orders
New orders will be both in the job queue and show as pending other packages. Do not edit/alter the pending other package.
If configured to process live, the orders will be in the open queue and run automatically when the master_cron.php script runs.
If configured NOT to process live, the orders will be in the pending queue awaiting approval. Click the approve link to move the job to the open queue or the run link to process now.
NOTE: If there is a 'SOFT FAIL' at enom, that means the enom system is busy and the order could not complete. When this happens, the job will be reopened in the open queue and you'll see a message in the Return field that states; 'Enom is slow. Waiting for cert ID on next run.".
The next cron run or if the run link is clicked, the order will continue from where it timed out.
When the order processes successfully, the job will be moved to the closed queue and the status of the package in the other package manager will be set to closed.
The customer will receive the email with instructions on how to configure the cert to complete the order.
RapidSSL/Geotrust SSL
Enable GeoTrust/RapidSSL module
Go to configuration >> Module Setup >> SSL Sales section
Set GeoTrust/RapidSSl Reselling to active.
Click the Save Changes button.
Configure the GeoTrust/RapidSSL module
Go to configuraton >> System Options >> misc section
Complete the SSL Setup section with your reseller account information.
Set Live SSL Processing to true if you don't want orders to be held for approval.
1. Email, give them your reseller account username and ask for API access. Let them know you are running AWBS.
2. Test mode is not available. You can test by placing an order in live mode, but don't actually approve the order and it will cancel itself at your reseller account.
3. You can find the reseller ID by mousing over any of the 'Place Order' links in an active contract in your RapidSSL/Geotrust reseller account.
The value after ref= in the URL is your reseller ID.
Setup your package type
Go to configuration >> Other Package Setup section >> Other Package Types
Use the Add Record link to add in a new order type. (Or edit an existing type if not in use).
Keep user group set to Default, unless you only want the SSL products for sale to an existing user group, in which case select the group that will be able to order SSLs.
Enter a description for the type and click the Save Record button.
Setup your packages
Go to configuration >> Other Package Setup section >> SSL Package Setup
Click the Add new link.
Check the visible checkbox.
Enter the package name as desired (no spaces, avoid special characters)
Select the package type as created above.
Set HTML Activation Template and TEXT Activation Template as desired. Text email template is provided, select SSL Order Activated - Text template to use our default email template.
Set the Remote Product ID as per the product you are configuring for sale. Make sure the product you select is available via the API and allowed/available in your reseller contract at GeoTrust/RapidSSL.
Has Signup Form should be checked.
Allow Server Quantity Select should be set to 0.
Number of Years set to the number of years for this package.
Retail Price: set to the price you want to charge for this product for the number of years entered (total price, not per year).
Other Fee: enter a setup/activation fee if desired/applicable.
Enter the 'other fee' name if price entered above.
Enter a description in the text area field, can be basic html code, no html page tags please.
Click the Save button.
Review all settings, enter a display position if desired.
Click Edit Form link to view/edit order form if desired. Email address field is required as that is where their final order link will be sent. If you remove the email field, the order process will not function.
The domain name field is optional, for admin reference to assist with order tracking if needed.
Click the Save button.
Repeat above process to configure all products you want to offer.
Place order links on menu/site
To locate the correct menu link, go to configuration >> Other Package Setup section >> Other Package Types.
Click to edit the package type you setup for SSL sales. You will see a menu link to use there, copy and setup your menu link in the group1menu.php template file or if using an existing type, edit the global.php language file to edit the text on the link.
If you wish to link directly to a product for ordering, go to configuration >> Other Package Setup section >> SSL Package Setup.
Click to edit the product you want an order link for and you will see the link to use. Processing Orders/Info
New SSL orders will show up in the open job queue and run automatically (if invoice is paid) when the master_cron.php runs if configured to true for Live SSL Processing OR they will be in the pending queue if set to false for Live SSL Processing.
When a new order is processed, customer will receive the SSL Order Activated email, which will give them a unique link to the GeoTrust system for entering their CSR and completing their SSL order. Once their order is placed at Geotrust, then they will receive an approval email at the domain's admin contact email address. Once approved, they will receive their webcert via email at the email address entered at Geotrust for the SSL order.
Review email templates/settings in your GeoTrust/RapidSSL account.
It is recommended to disable the QuickInvite email, Order Acknowledgement email and the Receipt email delivery in your reseller account if selling via AWBS, as AWBS will send all those emails to the customer.
AWBS does NOT send renewal notices for SSL orders, so leave those active and configure as desired in your reseller account.
AWBS Default News
Most themes will display 2 public news articles on the home page and 2 private news articles on the member home page.
If the show all link on the member home page is clicked, all private news will display to the logged in user.
To add or edit news articles, login to AWBS with admin rights. Click on the News Manager link on the left menu.
Use the Add Record link at the top to add a new news article.
Click the icon to the right of an existing article to edit it.
Set new articles to Open, select public if you want it to appear on the home page of the AWBS site, select private if you want only logged in members to see it. Closed articles will not display.
Enter the topic (headline) and the news article content and save.
Note: System news is not used in the AWBS Default News system.
Basic html tags can be used, such as hyperlinks, bold tags, etc.
If you are not using a template theme that displays the news, here is the code needed to display news articles;
<?php if($userssnews=="1"){ $thispage="index"; include(WORKDIR."/includes/rss/rssinc.php"); }else{ ?> <br><br><b>:: <?=$news[0][topic]?> ~ <?=$news[0][date]?></b> <br><?=$news[0][news]?> <br><br><b>:: <?=$news[1][topic]?> ~ <?=$news[1][date]?></b> <br><?=$news[1][news]?> <?php } ?>
Adjust the line breaks and bold tags as desired, etc as per your desired look.
This example shows 2 news articles, if you want more than 2 repeat the sections shown above but increment the number in the brackets like this;
<?php if($userssnews=="1"){ $thispage="index"; include(WORKDIR."/includes/rss/rssinc.php"); }else{ ?> <br><br><b>:: <?=$news[0][topic]?> ~ <?=$news[0][date]?></b> <br><?=$news[0][news]?> <br><br><b>:: <?=$news[1][topic]?> ~ <?=$news[1][date]?></b> <br><?=$news[1][news]?> <br><br><b>:: <?=$news[2][topic]?> ~ <?=$news[2][date]?></b> <br><?=$news[2][news]?> <br><br><b>:: <?=$news[3][topic]?> ~ <?=$news[3][date]?></b> <br><?=$news[3][news]?> <?php } ?>
RSS Newsfeed System
Enable RSS News in the Configuration >> Extended System Configuration page.
userssnews set to a value of 1
To add or edit news articles, login to AWBS with admin rights. Click on the News Manager link on the left menu.
Use the Add Record link at the top to add a new news article.
Click the icon to the right of an existing article to edit it.
Set new articles to Open, select public if you want it to appear on the home page of the AWBS site, select private if you want only logged in members to see it, system is public for the RSS Newsfeed but only displays on the member home page. The system news is intended for your hosting customers so they can use the RSS news to keep up with any important information such as server maintenance schedules, etc.
Closed articles will not display.
Enter the topic (headline) and the news article content in the rss section and save.
Basic html tags can be used, such as hyperlinks, bold tags, etc. Be vary careful with special characters when using the RSS news system.
The includes/rss/rssinc.php and rssconfig.php files are open for editing as desired as well as the files within the rssnews/lastrss directory.
RSS cron: /tools/rssgen.php
- Cron should run once daily or you can force RSS rebuild from the AWBS Utilities in the Configuration area.
- chmod 777 the /rssnews/lastrss/cache directory to enable RSS caching-
Each time you add news articles, go click on the RSS rebuild link in the AWBS Utilites section of the Configuration area. Or the next time your RSS News cron runs it will rebuild the news articles.
Multiple sites using one database
Please note: each site needs it's own license.
In each site (except the main site that you will pull the default info from the DB) you will need to add a file named 2ndcopy.php that goes in the includes directory.
The contents of the file should be:
//$pagealign=""; //left, right or center
//$templatedir=""; //name of the template directory
//$maintmode=""; //True or False
Un-remark and configure all settings you want to be used uniquely for each site. The above example shows sample data in some of the variables.
Only un-remark the ones you want to be unique to the site and only edit between the quotes.
Any undefined variables in the 2ndcopy.php file will use the configuration settings setup in the AWBS database (main site).
Setup each site's includes/dbconfig.php file to use the one database you want them all to share.
Normally you would configure crons only at the site where the database is, however if you wish to have each site to run it's own crons so that your customers receive their invoices from the email they are accustomed to, you can add this line in the dbconfig.php file on each server sharing the database:
Note: Substitute 'Unique_id' with a unique identifying display name for each server. Can contain numbers and/or letters up to 25 characters, no spaces!
Setup crons on all servers, and each will only run its own jobs.
On sites setup as shared AWBS sites, each new queue job, hosting record, domain record, support ticket,
contact form and invoice will be tagged with the designated server name (for admin reference).
User Account Sub Accounts
Each user can create sub accounts as desired by logging in and selecting the Sub Accounts link from the drawdown menu.
There they use the Add New SubAccount link to create sub accounts, giving access to various areas as desired.
The Sub Account Friendly Name is for display only, so the user can quickly identify his subaccounts.
Make sure the Account is active checkbox is checked if the account is to be used.
Enter a password as desired.
Enter the First and Last Names and Email Address for the sub account user.
Once a sub account is configured and active, the sub account user will login with the account username and the configured sub account password.
PDF Invoices
Configuring PDF
Version 2.2.3 and Older
You will need to enable pdf invoices in the dbconfig.php file.
Look for this section:
//pdf invoices
$allowpdf="0"; //allow users to view pdf invoices
define(LOGOWIDTH, '40'); //Width you want your logo to display at, 40 is ~4cm when printed, setting this too large, may cause problems.
define(LOGO, WORKDIR.'/includes/pdf/pic1.jpg');//Location of the logo you use.
define(CINFOALIGN,'L'); //Alignment of the client address (L=Left, R=Right), depending on where you want it.
define(OINFOALIGN,'R'); //Alignment of the order information (L=Left, R=Right), depending on where you want it.
Change $allowpdf="0" to $allowpdf="1";
To enable the pdf invoices.
Version 2.3.0 and Newer
AWBS version 2.3.0 and newer, enable pdf invoices in the Extended System Configuration page of the AWBS Configuration. Find the Setting: allowpdf and set the value to 1.
Customizing the PDF
The logo used by default is found in the includes/pdf directory, filename is pic1.jpg. Change that image with your log of equal dimensions for best results.
Customize the invoices by editing the includes/pdf/pdfinvoice.php file.
There's a lot of code and some of it is quite sensitive to changes.
If you are going to change it we suggest checking the website manual before you do so, so that you understand what is going on.
Note: Our support staff will not help you customize this page
Once you have enabled the pdf invoices and uploaded your logo image, the pdf invoices are ready for use. Users can view their open and paid invoices in pdf format at any time from within their account on the 'view/edit invoices' page.
Option: Sending PDF Invoices as attachments to the Invoice Email Notices
Option: How to change the PDF Charset encoding
AWBS Licensing Module
The License Module is available only with AWBS Hosting Edition.
Use the license module to create license files for software/scripts that you write and sell.
Refer to the sample script; licensing_script_example.php found in the includes/licensing directory.
Use the licensing_script_exmple.php to create your own code for distribution with your software/script. The licensing_script_example.php shows sample code to use for testing the validity of a license.
Put your code in the file to check for a valid license file and edit the license error notices as desired. CONFIGURE AWBS for your software sales
Configure a Download Categories as desired, Download Groups as per your products (scripts) and Downloads as per your files for use with your software/script.
Setup your software/script sales as 'other packages';
Enter 3 keys for your licensing that are used in your above file for verification into the 'License Key1', 'License Key2' and ' License Key3' fields. (keys are shown as test1, test2 and test3 in the licensing_script_example.php file.)
Check the 'has signup form' checkbox.
Check the 'has download' checkbox.
Select the correct download group. Only persons who have an active/filled or closed/filled status of this package (or any others assigned to this download group) will have access to the files setup in this download group. (As per your configuration of the downloads in the Download Manager)
Allow Quantity Select should remain set to 0.
Set the remaining settings as per your sales and preferences.
Reopen the package for editing.
Click the 'Edit Form' link beside 'Has Signup Form' and create the form you need to complete the order. Required fields are licensed domain name or subdomain and secure domain or subdomain. Additional fields can be added as desired to gather any info for the processing of the order.
Save the form.
If you do not wish to restrict your software to a domain, the order can be filled using 'any' in both fields when filling the order. Filling orders
New orders placed will show up as pending in the Other Package Manager. If the '[OI] is red, the invoice has not been paid, do not fill the order yet.
If the [OI] is green, the invoice has been paid, click the icon beside the order.
Fields you need to address:
Support Expires - enter 'never' if access to this file in the download area is not to expire. Enter the date you want the download to no longer be available if applicable. Enter nothing and the field will automatically set the date to one year in the future.
Code Expire Date Into License - check if you want the license to contain the expire date. This will make the license be unusable on the expire date.
License Expires - Enter the license expire date. Leaving this field blank will set it to one month into the future. Entering 'never' will set the license to never expire.
Hints: for a one time script sale use 'never', for scripts that you want to timeout enter a date and check the 'Code Expire Date Into License' box above
Recurring Package - should not be used with licenses.
Status - set to 'Filled/Closed'
In the Form Array Fields section:
License domain or subdomain - check and correct if any problems, should show only a domain or subdomain name. Remove any slashes or other things entered by the client.
Licensed secure domain or subdomain - same as above, correct if necessary.
Create/Update License - make sure this is checked.
Send Activate/Cancel Mail - check this box to send the client the email as per your email template settings in the other package setup area.
Click the Save Record button. This will fill the order; i.e. set the package as per your settings, create the license file and allow the download file(s) for this user account.
License file will be available to download by the customer in their 'other package list' in their account.
Only packages in the 'Filled/Active' or 'Filled/Closed' status will give access to the files in the download page of the user's area. TEST!!
Place test orders and completely test your license file, downloads and package setup before offering anything to your clients.
Once you have thoroughly tested, place your link(s) on your menu for sales to your clients.
Multiple AWBS Sites - One Database
How to setup multiple AWBS sites to use one database.
Please note: each site needs it's own license.
In each site (except the main site that you will pull the default info from the DB) you will need to add a file named 2ndcopy.php that goes in the includes directory.
The contents of the file should be:
<?php $base=""; $securebase=""; //$homeurl=""; $adminmail=""; $admincopy=""; $salesmail=""; $salescopy=""; $supportmail=""; $supportcopy=""; $billingmail=""; $billingcopy=""; //$companyname=""; //$companyaddress1=""; //$companyaddress2=""; //$companycity=""; //$companystate=""; //$companycountry=""; //$companyzip=""; //$companyphone=""; //$companyfax=""; //$pagetitle=""; //$pagedesc=""; //$pagekeywords=""; //$pagealign=""; //left, right or center //$templatedir=""; //name of the template directory //$maintmode=""; //True or False ?>
Un-remark and configure all settings you want to be used uniquely for each site. The above example shows sample data in some of the variables.
Only un-remark the ones you want to be unique to the site and only edit between the quotes.
Any undefined variables in the 2ndcopy.php file will use the configuration settings setup in the AWBS database (main site).
Setup each site's includes/dbconfig.php file to use the one database you want them all to share.
Note: On the server where the database resides, be sure to give remote access to all other AWBS sites to the database.
Normally you would configure crons only at the site where the database is, however if you wish to have each site to run it's own crons so that your customers receive their invoices from the email they are accustomed to, you can add this line in the dbconfig.php file on each server sharing the database:
Note: Substitute 'Unique_id' with a unique identifying display name for each server. Can contain numbers and/or letters up to 25 characters, no spaces!
Setup crons on all servers, and each will only run its own jobs.
On sites setup as shared AWBS sites, each new queue job, hosting record, domain record, support ticket,
contact form and invoice will be tagged with the designated server name (for admin reference).
Configure your Credit Card and Create Account rejection parameters. Credit Card settings will apply ONLY if you are using an ON-Site Processor, such as AuthNet or PSIGate. Create Account/Login settings will apply to everyone.
Login fraud failure will block the login attempt only. No user flags will be set. Failing fraud check on Create Account will create the account, but mark it as pending.
A value of TRUE will cause the CC/Create Account transaction to fail if the condition is met. A value of FALSE will disable the check.
All numeric settings indicate the threshold at which the transaction will be labeled as fraud.
Distance: Distance from IP address to account contact location in kilometers (large distance = higher risk)
Country Match: Whether country of IP address matches account address country (mismatch = higher risk)
Free Mail: Whether e-mail is from free e-mail provider (free e-mail = higher risk)
Free Proxy: Whether IP address is a known Anonymous Proxy (anonymous proxy = very high risk)
Bin Match: Whether country of issuing bank based on BIN number matches account address country*
Proxy Score: Likelihood of IP Address being an Open Proxy (0-10)
Spam Score: Likelihood of IP Address being an Spam Source (0-10)
Overall Score: Overall Fraud Risk Factor based on outputs listed (0-10)
- When you first configure FraudGrabber, set it to use checking, but not rejection for a day or two depending upon your site traffic.
Watch how your normal customers score. (Fraud Score Viewer on admin left menu)
- Set your overall score and distance rather high at first to see how your regular customer base scores
- Free proxy, Country Non-Match, Known Carder Email, and Bin Non-Match are all recommended to be set to True. These will catch most of the fraudulent visitors.
- Adjust the settings gradually as per your data of regular customers. You want to catch fraud but not slow down any normal sales.
Notes: Some customers travel regularly or have multiple locations. If you have trusted customers who fail the country match, you can set them the fraud check bypass in the user manager, user options page.
1. Enable coupons in the Extended System Configuration page of the Configuration area of AWBS.
Setting: coupons Value: 1
Note: Coupons are not available in AWBS Domain Edition
2. Go to Configuration, Coupon Setup page.
3. Click 'Add New' link at the top to add a new coupon.
Complete it's setup;
Coupon Code: Enter a unique coupon code with no spaces or special characters.
This is what the customer will enter into the coupon code box in the cart when they are ordering.
Coupon Description: Enter a description for this coupon. Customers will see this in their member area.
Valid Start Date: Required, enter a date in the correct date format.
Valid End Date: Required, enter an expire date in the correct date format.
# of Allowed Uses: Enter the number of times you want this coupon to be able to be used.
If you do not want a limit, enter a 0 (zero).
Active: Check this box if you want to activate this coupon code.
Recurring Discount: Check this box if you want customers to get this discount off each term they pay for
their recurring package in the future.
Coupon Type: Select percentage or Fixed Amount as desired.
Coupon Amount: If you selected a percentage in coupon type, enter the percentage of the discount
in the example format.
If you selected fixed amount in the coupon type, enter the fixed amount for the discount.
- Example:
For a $2.00 fixed discount, enter 2.00
For a 10% percentage discount, enter .10
Valid Package Type: Select the applicable selection as per your coupon target.
Note: For a coupon for one specific tld, select All Domains, then in the Specific Package setting set the correct TLD you want this coupon to apply to.
Specific Package: If you selected All Domains or Specific type package in the Valid Package Type setting,
select the TLD or specific package you want this coupon to apply to.
Click the Save button to save your changes. View the top center of the page to ensure it reflects: "Record Added" and that there are no errors.
Setting the Date Format
Edit the includes/language/english/global.php file.
Look for;
$date_short = "%m-%d-%Y"; $date_long = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M";
Set as desired.
This will set the date format for the user web interface.
Edit the
admin/includes/language/english/global.php file.
Look for;
// date format for admin area $date_short = "%Y-%m-%d"; $date_long = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M";
Set as desired.
This will set the date format for some areas of the admin interface, but not all.
The places where you select the date are based on how php will take that input and cannot be changed.
User Groups Setup
By default, all users are in the group 'default'.
Add new user groups as desired to provide 'special' users with their own menu and their own hosting plans, etc.
Then edit the users in the user manager. Change all users you want in the new group from default to the new group name. This can be found in 'edit user options'.
Example: you have some web designer customers who don't want to start their own hosting business, you give them special 'resller' rates to utilize your hosting services for their customers. Create a new user group, make a new hosting order type selecting the new user group, a new set of hosting plans reflecting the special pricing assigned to the new hosting order type, change the new user group menu links to reflect the new hosting plans with discounted prices.
The default menu file is templates/common_files/group1menu.php
To add another menu for another user group, create the file templates/common_files/group2menu.php
Then copy all contents from the group1menu.php file to the group2menu.php file and edit the links as desired for that user group.
Note: Check the menu information in the customization section of this manual for menu editing details.
Other Package Setup
To setup services/items you want to offer that are not hosting or any other specific module included with AWBS, use the 'Other Package' area.
First setup Other Package Types. Other packages will be grouped for display based upon the package type.
All of type 1 will display on the packages.php page, all of type 2 will display on the packages.php?spt=2 page, etc.
Once you have your Other Package Types setup, proceed to the Other Package Setup page to add/edit your Other packages.
Click the Add New link at the top to add a new Other Package.
Quantity In Stock: Enter 9876 if the item/service is not based on stock quantities. Otherwise enter the number of the
item you have to sell. Diabled: Check if you want this package disabled. Visible: Check if you want this package visible on the packages.php page. Package Name: Enter a name for this package. Do not use any spaces in the name. Package Type: Select the correct package type as per your desired package type setup above. Package Desc: Enter a description for this package. HTML Activation Template: Select the correct HTML email template you want sent when the package is activated.
If you don't use HTML email templates, select the one you will use for the TEXT Activation Template field. TEXT Activation Template: Select the correct email template you want sent when this package is activated. Has License: Check if you are using the AWBS License module and this package should generate a license. License Key1-3: Enter license keys used for the licensing creation if applicable. Has Signup Form: Check if you wish to setup form fields to gather information during the order process. Has Download: Check if this package will have a download configured with it. Has Custom Queue: Select appropriate custom queue behavour if applicable. Download Group: Set correct download group if applicable. Allow Quantity Select: 0 to disable, set a max number if you have stock on this item and you want a limit per customer. Recurring Billing: Check if this will be invoiced based on a term. Leave unchecked for one time purchase. Term: Select correct term if Recurring Billing is checked above. Tax EXEMPT: Check if this package will never be taxed. Retail Price: Set your price for this item/service as per what your customers will pay on the site. Other Fee: Set a price for an other fee, such as setup fee, etc.
Click the Save Record button at the bottom.
Scroll down and click the Edit Form link if you have Has Signup Form checked. Setup your form as desired.
Set the Other Fee Name field if you have a price set for the Other Fee field.
Enter the Description as desired. This description field will display on the packages.php page. HTML code can be used, please only include a full <DIV> or full <TABLE> , do not use html page tags or body tags.
Click the Save Record button.
Click the Assign custom fields link if you have setup custom fields you want to use with this package.
Click the Save Record button if you have selected custom fields for this package.
Setup Download Groups in the Download Group Manager. These will be groups of downloads that will be assigned to each Other Package you configure as well as each Download file you configure.
Example of how the download groups are used: If you have a package that needs 5 downloadable files, put all 5 of those downloads into one download group and assign that package to use that download group.
Next, setup your download categories by clicking the Download Category Manager link. These categories will diplay in the download area for customers to quickly locate downloads they need.
Next, setup your downloads by clicking the Download Manager link.
Click the Add Record link at the top of the page to add a new download.
Category: Select the correct category for this download. Group: Select the correct download group. Active: Check if this is an active download. Free file: Check if you want all customers to see this, regardless of their active packages. Archive Record: Check if you want to archive this, will put the download into the Download Archives area of the member download area. Release Date: Set the release date of this download. This date can be used to limit the download availability to only those with active support. (will be a new field in the other package if you have it set with Has Download checked) Pathname: Enter full path to the file. Filename: Enter the filename of the file. Description: Enter a description to be viewed in the member download area.Click the Save Changees button.