AWBS Installation Guide
System Requirements
* Linux/FreeBSD/Windows2003 * PHP v4.3.8-5.0.x and 5.1.x (safe_mode off) * MySQL Database Server v4.x-5.x (strict mode off) * Apache or IIS5/6 Web Server * Curl + SSL v7.10 or better (php compiled Curl required) * Ability to setup CRON jobs or scheduled tasks * Ability to setup password protected directories. (.htaccess) * Secure site (optional)(no cross domain secure URLs) * Compiled GD with freetype support needed for human verification system and reports.
Ioncube encoded version Only, Zend Version has been discontinued.
Ioncube is not compatible with MMCache or other 'untrusted' extentions.
Viewing your phpinfo() output, you will be able to see most of the system requirements. Contact your server admin if you are not sure or run the pretest.php script (located in the tools directory) to see if your server passes the basic requirements tests.
Other settings (php.ini settings)
safe_mode Off allow_url_fopen On max_execution_time 120 or higher session.auto_start Off magic_quotes_gpc On memory_limit 64M or higher register_long_arrays On magic_quotes_runtime Off output_handler no value short_open_tag On
Please note: Some of the above settings pertain to only certain versions of php. Check to see if you have these settings in your php.ini. Consult with your server admin if you are not sure.
Install Checklist
- Create a new MySQL database with new user that has full rights to it.
- Upload AWBS files and license file.
- Edit dbconfig.php file.
- Run install script.
- Delete install directory.
- Secure admin, includes, and tools directories.
- Configure scheduled 'cron jobs'.
- Configure.
- Customize as desired.
- Test.
- Go Live!
Create Database
Create a new MySQL database and new user with full rights to the database. Check with your server's control panel documentation for details on how to create databases on your system.
Upload files
Unzip the AWBS full install zip file with paths in your computer. Upload all files maintaining the directory structure. Upload in binary mode. Note: Many ftp clients have problems corrupting encoded files. We recommend Total Commander as a tool for uploading files as well as many other functions.
Upload the AWBS full install zip file and unzip on your server. If you do this, be sure your files are owned by the user who owns the site.
Edit dbconfig.php file
Open the includes/dbconfig.php file for editing using Total Commander or your control panel's file editor, nano, vi or whatever text file editing tool you have.
Remove the following line:
Edit these lines with your database information:
$dbhost (change only if your server won't connect to MySQL via 'localhost' or if your db is located on another server) $dbusername $dbpassword $dbdatabase
(Enter your information between the quotes in each line, overwriting the sample data that is there)
Edit this line with your correct path to your files:
Example: /home/userdir/public_html
Contact your server admin or control panel documentation if you do not know your path to your web directory. Each system uses it's own path structure and many servers are unique as per how they were installed.
Edit this line with your domain name preceded by a dot:
Save your changes and upload if editing remotely.
Run the install script
Open a new browser window. Surf to http://[your_AWBS_domain]/install/install.php (Substitute your domain name for [your_AWBS_domain])
You must have read the AWBS license agreement and agree to abide by the terms to continue with the install.
Once you have read the license agreement, Check the box and click "Begin Install"
Welcome: (License Check)
The next step is to verify your license. You should see something like the following:
License Status: Active
Your licensing has been verified and your system is now activated.
Once the license has been verified click the box at the bottom of the page labeled "Continue With Install"
Note: Error 5 indicates the license.dat file is missing. Be sure you have uploaded the license.dat file to the same directory that you uploaded the AWBS files.
Error 3 indicates your server cannot reach our license database via port 80. Ensure your server has internet access via port 80.
Step 1:
The next step is to check your php.ini configuration settings and make sure everything is ready to go.
You should see something like the following:
Safe Mode: OK Register Globals: OK Session Cookies: OK Compiled Curl: OK
Environment Tests appear OK. Let's continue.....
Once the above information has been tested, click the box at the bottom of the page labeled "Continue to step 2"
Step 2:
The next step is to check your database settings and make sure everything is ready to go.
You should see something like the following:
DB User/Pass: yourdbusername/yourdbpassword Database Name: yourdbname DB User/Pass: OK DB Connect Test: OK Database Exists: OK
Database Tests appear OK. Let's continue.....
Once the above information has been tested, click the box at the bottom of the page labeled "Continue to step 3"
Step 3:
The next step is to check your database structure and make sure the database is ready to go.
You should see something like the following:
Database Structure Creation appears OK. Let's continue....
Once the above information has been tested, click the box at the bottom of the page labeled "Continue to step 4"
Step 4:
The next step is to populate the database with your company's information. Fill in the following info and then continue.
You will need to fill out the information like shown below:
Company Information Company Name: Company Address1: Company Address2: Company City: Company State: Company Zip: Company Country: Company Phone: Company Fax: Admin Email: Support Email: Sales Email: Billing Email:
Server Settings
Edit the licensed urls if necessary. Add/Remove the www. as needed/desired, edit http and https as needed, and add any subdirectory information to the url. Do NOT add a trailing slash. If you do not wish to use https, make the bottom url the same as the top.
If you alter the domain name or subdomain, it will not match your license and you will have license errors.
Non-Secure URL: examples: http://[your_licensed_domain_name]/directory or http://[your_licensed_domain_name] or http://[your_licensed_subdomain]
Note: The URL above should reflect the url you surf to to get to your awbs site.
Server Admin
This is where you will establish the 'super admin' account and login. The password can be changed later.
Remember this login!
Admin First Name: Admin Last Name: Admin Username: Admin Password:
Once you have the above information filled out as needed, click the box at the bottom of the page labeled "Continue to step 5"
Step 5:
AWBS installation is complete!
At this point, the basic install is complete.
Click the box labeled "Finish Install"
Delete the install directory
Remove or rename and relocate the install directory. This is a security measure, you don't want anyone surfing to it.
Secure the admin, includes and tools directories
Most hosting control panel systems provide a link to setup directory password protection. Most use .htaccess files. Consult with your hosting control panel documentation for details on how to secure directories.
Configure your cron jobs
You will need to schedule 4 files to run.
master_cron.php every 15 or 10 minutes invoice_cron.php once per day updateexp.php once per day updtransfers.php once per day
The files are located in the tools directory.
In most cases your command will look like this:
*/15 * * * * php -q -f /your/path/to/awbs/tools/master_cron.php
(Substitute your correct path in the above example.)
This would run the master_cron.php file every 15 minutes.
Another example:
10 5 * * * php -q -f /your/path/to/awbs/tools/invoice_cron.php
This would run invoice_cron.php file each day at 5:10am.
If you get no errors in the crontab or the scheduling program you are using, your crons are configured correctly. (make sure it is configured to send email or check the logs as per your system.)
Your install is complete, now you need to login as super admin and configure AWBS as per your company needs, customize as desired and test.