Domain Registration

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Table of Contents

  1. BizCN Configuration
  2. Dot.TK Configuration
  3. eNom Configuration
  4. Hexonet Configuration
  5. Configuration
  6. System Configuration
  7. ISPAPI Configuration
  8. LogicBox Configuration
  9. NetEarthOne Configuration
  10. NominetEPP Configuration
  11. Nokta TK Configuration
  12. OnlineNic Configuration
  13. OpenSRS Configuration
  14. PlanetDomain Configuration
  15. Configuration
  16. RegisterFly Configuration
  17. ResellerClub Configuration
  18. ResellOne Configuration
  19. TLD Config
  20. TLD Setup/Pricing
  21. Domain Name Options
  22. For Sale System
  23. IDN
  24. Domain Push Feature
  25. Legal Types for TLD's
  26. Setting specific number of years for registrations and renewals

TLD Config

In the TLD Config page of the AWBS configuration area, you will setup the registrar to be used for each tld you offer as well as the whois server that will be used for the domain availability lookups for domain sales. (not used on the whois.php page of your AWBS site)

Note: You must have already enabled the domain registrar modules you will be using in the Module Setup page.

Select the registrar you will use for each TLD.

Enter the whois server to be used for the availability checks. You must use the responsible registry's whois server and the correct Match String their system uses. Note: port 43 outgoing needs to be open on your server in order for the communication to the whois servers to function.

Whois server options:

1. For some registrars, you have the option to use the registrar's API to check for domain availability.


To use the API for domain lookups enter the appropriate of the following into the whois server field for each tld you wish to use it.


The response strings are not required if using the API for lookups.

Note: Using the API lookups will be more accurate than the various whois servers, however it takes longer for the results. If you offer many tlds, you may want to use this feature only for the most popular ones to keep the process quick enough and avoid apache/IIS timeouts.

Whois Server Listing

2. For TLDs that only have an html based whois server;

Enter the full URL with required parameter(s) of the whois page into the Whois Server column/field.


Enter the correct Match String.

Example: Domain does not exist

TLD Setup/Pricing

On this page you will configure your TLD availability in years and for registration, renewals and transfers as well as the retail pricing and postition they display on the home page and domain name page.

Enter the tld's in format 'com', not '.com'. (NO BEGINNING DOT)

Only check the renew and transfer boxes according to availability at your configured registrar for each tld. (This may vary depending on the registrar used.)

Be sure the minimum years are set lower than the maximum. Make sure the maximum years are not higher than offered by the registrar. (This will vary depending on the registrar used.)

Check the 'Free Option' checkbox if you are offering a free domain name with any hosting plans for all tlds that will be free. The free option will give the domain name free with the initial hosting order only (future domain renewals will not be free).

Use the 'pos' column to set the position of the tlds on your domain availability checkbox on the index and check.php pages of the site. Number them in the order you wish them to appear starting at 0.

Note: All tlds with pos setting of 0 will rank the same and then be ordered via their row numbers in the database.

Click the Edit Pricing link by each TLD to setup pricing for each term. Note: prices are total for that number of years

Domain Name Options

Allowing discounts will enable discounts to be set on a per user basis by the AWBS administrator. Disabling discounts here will override any settings in the user accounts.


Allow discounts for registrations and renewals: (True - False)

Allow discounts for transfers: (True - False)

You may specify your word search's here as well. Once you have the wordsearch filled in, Be sure to check either "Suffix or Prefix) This will create the other suggested domain names on the domain name registration page when customers are looking for domain name availability.

For Sale System

Activate the For Sale System in the AWBS Configuration, system options page.

Configure your For Sale categories in the AWBS Configuration, For Sale System page.

This allows you to configure the various different categories that a domain displayed in on the domains for sale page of your site.

The for sale system will allow users to place their domain name for sale. The system will produce a form for perspective buyers to contact the owner without giving any information on the owner.

The domain owner will receive the form results with the purchase offer or request for a price via email (the email address configured in the user's profile).

Users can place any of their domains for sale or remove them at any time. They can choose the category they would like the domain displayed in.

In the user's domain management area, each domain will show the 'S' icon if it is currently not for sale and the 'FS' icon if it is for sale.

They can click on the 'S' icon to place the domain for sale.


(the following configuration information is new as of AWBS version 2.9.4) In the AWBS Configuration area, Domain Options area, on the Registrar/Whois tab add in any tlds you want to offer for IDN registrations. On the Pricing/Availability/EPP tab, check the IDN checkbox and setup the rest of the settings and pricing.

Note: Any tlds that you check the IDN checkbox will not show up on the normal registration page, so you'll need to have duplicates for those you offer both, such as .com.

IDN orders are taken via this link;


Domain Push Feature

Your AWBS members (customers) have the option to push a domain name to another account.

To push a domain name to another account in the system, login to the user account and proceed to the domain list (manage domains link on member menu).
Click the M icon next to the domain name you want to push.
Click the link that says: Push to Another Account
Enter the username of the account you want to push the domain name to.
Enter a new password, something not used anywhere else.
Click the Submit button.

Now give the password you used to the owner of the account you have pushed to. The next time that user logs in, he/she will have a message to retrieve the domain name. They will have to enter the correct password at that time and have a domain profile.

1. When a domain name is retrieved, the new owner's default domain profile will be used to update the whois contact info for that domain name.
2. Domains with hosting services cannot be pushed, customers will need to contact you to move those domain names.
3. Domains moved (assigned to a new user) in the domain manager of the admin area do not get any new contact information.
4. Some registrar modules do not support this feature due to the manner in which domain contact information is edited.
5. Some tlds are exempt from this feature due to their special transfer and ownership change rules.

Legal Types for TLD's


This file should be place in the /includes/[registrar] directory and be named legal.php
This file must then define ALL legal settings for the entire tld offering from this registrar

File information:

$additionaldomainfields[".us"][] = (change the tld to the appropriate setting)

Available settings are:

  • Name (text)
  • Type (text, dropdown, tickbox or radio)
  • Options (value=name pairs only - name is displayed to the user, value is actual value sent to the api)
  • Default (default value - Must be set for tickbox and radio)
  • Description (displayed below the input field
  • Apicommand (the actual api command sent to the registrar - Example: X-US-NEXUS-CATEGORY)
  • Required (make this value required)

Example setting:
$additionaldomainfields[".us"][] = array(
"Name" => "Nexus Category",
"Type" => "dropdown",
"Required" => "true",
"Options" => "C11=C11,C12=C12,C21=C21,C31=C31,C32=C32",
"Default" => "C11",
"Description" => "This is the description for this field. This is the description for this field.",
"Apicommand" => "nexus1",

Setting specific number of years for registrations and renewals

As of 2.9.0 it is possible to set specific number of years that individual TLD's can be registered for or renewed for.

For example, you can have it set so .com domains can only be registered for 1, 2 or 5 years, and when renewing they have the option of 1, 5, or 10 years.

To do this you need to edit the database manually!

  1. Open your AWBS Database in PHPmyAdmin or Equivalent editor
  2. Find the tld_config table, and edit the TLD you would like to change
  3. Find the config_1 field and enter the years you would like to exclude for registering. For example: 1,3,5,7,9 would mean this TLD can only be registered for 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 years.
  4. To exclude years for renewals, you can use the following format: 1,3,5,7,9|5,6,7,8,9,10 In this example, the TLD could be registered for 2,4,6,8 or 10 years, but can only be renewed for 1,2,3, or 4 years.